
Investing in real estate since 2005 has had its share of scary moments followed with those of utter disbelief.  At times you wonder how you got into this mess and at others, you praise yourself for making the right choice.  As I watched the first miner being pulled out of his 69 days of hell, I watched his son wait in utter anticipation.  It came to a point when the son could not bear it anymore and broke down with tears in his eyes missing the one he called father, papa.  Then his dad came into sight and as he climbed out of the rescue capsule his son came sobbing, embracing the one he loved.  For 69 days, a father not knowing if he would ever get another chance to embrace the ones he loved, stood tall and proud and showed the world he had endured and at that moment felt more alive in years.

We can all learn from those miners.  They had courage to go deep into the earth, always knowing they may never come back.  Yet, they go down every day to do their job with pride.  Real estate can be both rewarding and scary especially when you are just starting out.  At every turn their can be a collapse waiting to cut you off from the world and test your courage.

What I saw when those men came up over the last couple of days is training.  Training gave them the courage to find their safety spot.  And for 12 days when no one had any communication, it was the belief they knew they had a support team, that would come looking to save them.

Invest in good training in your real estate adventures.  Seek out mentors who have been there before….Cause when all goes dark and you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, education will give you courage and a mentor will help lead the way.

Go out and embrace your love ones today. You never know what tomorrow brings.